Thursday 24 May 2012

Post 6: Friendship

In class yesterday, we were discussing friendship, and what friends do for each other. A stand-up comedian once joked, "A friend is someone who will help you move; a best friend is someone who will help you move a body." We rely on our friends, and make them an integral part of our friends. When we see them, we feel complete; when we let them down, or are betrayed by them, we feel empty, hollow, as if we lost a limb or an organ.
In the film Fast Five, Vin Diesel and Paul Walker play characters that are pursued by Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson for stealing automobiles in awesome ways. There are love interests in the form of female fugitives and other various characters, but the true relationship is between Messrs. Diesel and Walker: these two, burly, manly men with muscles-on-top-of-muscles spend more time together sharing their feelings to each other than with any female. Heck, they spend more time with stolen cars than with women. In no way is their relationship homosexual, though; it is, rather, a closeness that can only be understood by other men who have gone through or are going through similar events - a "bromance" to use the colloquial terminology. There is this wonderful scene where, after beating our heroes into a pulp, The Rock is betrayed by his own soldiers and barely survives this super-cool grenade explosion. As his vision clears, he sees Vin Diesel, manly frown on his bloody, manly face, standing over him - will he exact his revenge on The Rock? No. Instead, after a tense moment, he offers his burly, manly hand and helps up his former adversary to continue the fight together. I have seen many films in my life, and I have never seen anything more romantic than that scene.

Macbeth and Banquo were brothers-in-arms. They fought alongside one another, drew blood together, relied on each other for survival; this bond is one of the strongest that can be formed between masculine characters. And yet, the witches' prophesy seems to give more to Banquo than to Macbeth, being the father of a line of kings. Despite all they have gone through, Macbeth feels so threatened by his only friend that he has to send murderers to dispatch him. In your opinion, did Macbeth do the right thing in ordering the death of Banquo? Would you choose lifelong friendship, or your destiny as king? Would you have done anything differently, and why? Please begin your post with your student number.


  1. 308 544 519

    No, Macbeth didn't do the right thing to kill Banquo because he wasn't in the prophecy to be king, it was his sons. Macbeth should've ordered for his sons to be killed since they were to be king, not Banquo.I would rather choose a friendship because if I was queen, I'd have no one to trust since everyone is out to kill me, and I'd end up with insomnia. The only thing differently that I would've done is not bother to kill anyone until it seemed necessary, or just killed the sons of Banquo rather than both of them. This would make things easier for me to know that my opponent is eliminated as well as that I still have my best friend with me.

  2. 308548023

    To begin with, I wouldn't have killed the king or even considered such a treacherous act. As Macbeth, I would have been an honourable warrior with a bright future; I would have no desire for anything greater. While the king lives, I have no interest in dispatching Banquo, either. If it would have truly been my destiny to be king, then it would happen as it were prophesied. Banquo being my "bro," if you will, I would have had no problem with his sons taking over my honourably and deservedly achieved title after my passing.

  3. 308498377
    I believe that Macbeth did the wrong thing by ordering the death of his dear friend Banquo because having a friend that supports you in life and share anything with is much better than ruling as a lonely king for the rest of your life. If it were up to me, I would choose lifelong friendship instead of being king because i think that having a close friend is a much better choice than being king and having everyone either suck up to you or be afraid of you. If I was Macbeth, I would have not killed Banquo; he and Macbeth were ture friends, and I believe that Banquo would not have ratted out Macbeth, they were like brothers from another mother, he would have only helped him.

  4. 334-287-000
    I don't think Macbeth did the right thing by killing Banquo, because if they were really brothers then Macbeth wouldn't back stab Banquo, brothers are suppose to support each other not to compete who's better or who's not. I rather be a soldier with a great friend, than be a king and live long life without one, even if you will find a friend as a king, it's not going to be because of who you are, but because of your riches or something that is yours. I would've told Banquo, if I would become a king, then I will give you anything you want, basically two king of the same country. It's less bloody and less dramatic for everyone, better than killing a person.

  5. 309593630
    I would choose friendship over the destiny to be King because with great power come great responsibility. I think that with the position of King also comes with a lot of paranoia, hatred,and jealousy.

  6. 324 122 548

    In my opinion, Macbeth most certainly did not do the right thing by ordering the death of Banquo. If I were Macbeth, I would choose friendship over being king because the best things in life involve being with the people we love. What good would being king and having money to spend be if you can't do it with your best friend? I would not order to kill Banquo but rather accept and be happy with the fact that his sons will become kings after me.

  7. 308-544-394

    I don't think Macbeth did the right thing in killing Banquo, he was his closest friend. If it were me I would have chosen lifelong friendship because I would not want to feel the guilt of hurting my own friend for the rest of my life. I would have have murdered Banquo and instead I would have spoken the truth to him, hoping he would understand. If he were a true friend he would listen to my reasons.

  8. 322602939 I believe Macbeth did not do the right thing by ordering to kill his life long friend Banquo. I personal would chose a life long friend over my destiny. If were to do anything different in this situation i would tell Banguo about how i feel insisted of just going killing him. Banguo might of helped macbeth become. Things might of been differently.

  9. 334 650 470

    I think that if Macbeth actually believed what the witches said, then he shouldn't understood that whether Banquo stays alive or not, his sons will be the ones to be the king afterwards. I think that Macbeth shouldn't have had Banquo killed right away. He should have kept Banquo by his side as someone to rely on. Macbeth could have just killed Banquo if he actually started to be threatening. If Macbeth hadn't killed Banquo, he would have his friend to stand by him and support him in case rebels rose against him.

  10. 342409976
    I would not have killed my best friend, I would of informed him of my plane so he can help me out.

  11. 308527381

    Macbeth did not do the right thing. I'd choose friendship. I don't think that killing a friend to possibly have a family member of mine continue a newly started job one day would be a good idea. Even if that job is being the king.

  12. 325001436

    I would definitely choose lifelong friendship over becoming king/queen. If Banquo really did know something about Duncan’s death and suspected Macbeth, Macbeth should have explained to him the situation and maybe he would have understood. They had been through so much together, so many situations where they had to trust each other, and this time should have been no different. Getting more blood on his hands was not the best decision, as he will later realize. If I were Macbeth, I would have, without a doubt, told my friend about what I had done. After all, if it was "destiny" it would have happened without Macbeth having to take his best friend's life away.

  13. 308544667
    No, Macbeth did not do the right thing in killing his "bromance" because Banquo is practically family to him. In Fast Five, before their robbery, Vin Diesel stated that money will come and go, but the most important things are the people in this room (his friends). Personally, I think the same way. I would rather have a close loving family than anything else in the world. If I was Macbeth, I wouldn't kill Banquo and see how things will turn out because I already have wealth and power from being a Thane.

  14. 308 498 237

    Yes I think Macbeth did the right thing killing Baquo. Macbeth has already murdered Duncan, so he has committed a crime that is so extreme. No matter what he does he cannot change that, so he should do everything in his power to earn his place as king.It is also possible that if he didn't kill Banquo, then Banquo might kill him. Remember that the three witches had said that Banquo's children would be king. They told him "Thou shall get kings, though thou be none." This threatens Macbeth, therefore he needs to eliminate the compitition. Banquo is also suspicious of Macbeth so it is not good for Macbeth to have another person around that is going to cause him stress. If it was me, I wouldn't have killed Duncan in the first place but because he did I think he should do everything he possibly can to make his plan succeed.

  15. 308 527 423

    I would most definitely choose my friends over being the king. If I were Macbeth, I would have never sent anybody to kill my best friend. In my opinion, Macbeth was being greedy; killing his best friend simply for a higher position on the throne. He is already the Thane. He should have kept his friend alive. A best friend is somebody who cannot be replaced!

  16. 342142809

    In my opinion, Macbeth did not do the right thing in ordering the death of Banquo. I would have chosen lifelong friendship rather than my destiny to be king. Lifelong friendship guarantees you lifelong happiness and completeness. I would rather have someone who will always be there for me through everything than to be king, with the stress and frustration on ruling and protecting a country and people’s lives that lives in that country. I would have trusted Banquo rather than murdering him.

  17. 322549171

    In my opinion, Macbeth did not do the right thing in ordering the death of Banquo as he had lost the only individual with whom he shared such a close friendship. Although Macbeth was a step closer in reaching his destined position as king through killing Banquo, it would not be worth achieving something so life changing if it was not possible to share that incredible experience with his closest friends and family. Being supported as an individual is extremely important, and Banquo was one of the only people who stood by Macbeth’s side through both the good and bad times, and was a shoulder to lean on in troubling times. I would choose lifelong friendship rather than my destiny to be king because not only would I not be able to kill a person to satisfy myself, but I would be losing a person who is my other half, as I have shared both my best and worst experiences, and without them, it would be as if all those memories are erased, and I would be living a meaningless life. If I was Macbeth, I would not kill, nor harm Banquo but instead consult with Banquo about the situation, and try to earn my position as king through earning the support of the nation.

  18. 309861516

    I think Macbeth did a horrible thing by killing his bestfriend. He shouldn't be basing his actions on the destiny the witches told him. If Banquo's son was going to inherited the throne Macbeth should have been happy , because after all it was his bestfriend's son that was the next king-to-be , it wasn't just some guy that was better than Macbeth

  19. 308499110
    Macbeth did what he thought "had to be done", Banquo was quickly becoming more suspicious and was beginning to make assumptions, those of which Macbeth could not afford. The witches were the ones that truly put the test on their "relationship" if Macbeth nor Banquo knew the prophecy none of this would have happened. Friendship is more valuable then being a king. I wouldnt have killed my friend, if im not destined to be king, so be it.

  20. 322687682
    i think what Macbeth did was wrong, because if the friendship that they shared were real then i don't think he would have done what he did. i would choose a lifelong friendship that being a queen because i will die someday and someone will take over no matter what, but if i had a friendship that would last longer than me being queen then i would happily choose that one. i don't think i would have killed my best friend just so that i could rule a country. i would die someday and someone else is going to take my place, so whats the point of killing my best friend when i know someone else is going to rule the country after me.

  21. 308954510

    If I were in this situation, I would choose friendship and being king. I would partner with my friend in ensuring that I would be king or queen, but still somehow keep them as a friend.
    I don't think Macbeth did the right thing in killing Banquo. Instead of killing him, they could have allied together in making sure Macbeth could be king, and Macbeth would have had more people on his side and he could have promised Banquo something in return.

  22. 325182152

    I don't think killing Banquo was the right thing for Macbeth to do at all. Although I understand that he felt threatened by the witches' 'exalting' of Banquo and his descendants, Banquo was his best best friend and was clearly loyal to him. I would choose a lifelong friendship, even if it meant being betrayed and murdered by my friend. Macbeth at this point had no one by his side that was truly his friend and cared for him (besides Lady Macbeth).
    If it was me, I would have trusted Banquo and asked him to do the same so that we could maintain our deep friendship.

  23. 308536820

    In my opinion Macbeth choose the wrong path and kill his best fried Banquo. if I was in this scenario I would of pick lifelong friendship because friendship can last a life time, if i need help with something, my best friend will always be there for me. But if i were to become a king another person might kill me to get my spot.

  24. 308629161

    In my opinion Macbeth did not do the right thing in ordering the death of Banquo.Good friends are hard to come by and Macbeth and Banquo fought battles together. What I would have done differently is I wouldn't have overreacted the way Macbeth did. Since Macbeth didn't have any children of his own I don't see why the children of his best friend being king after him would be such a big deal, after all Macbeth was already king.

  25. 308559905

    It was wrong of Macbeth to turn on his friend to become king. For greed, he killed his closest friend and was eventually left with no one. Both Macbeth and Banquo would have gained something great and Macbeth shouldn't have been so selfish. Not only should he have been satisfied with such a noble role instead of living like many others as a peasant, he should have been happy that Banquo's children would take the throne. Macbeth couldn't have children so he might as well have let Banquo's children become kings because they were practically brothers. Macbeth also lost an irreplaceable friendship that he would never find again due to his greed. It also caused him to be constantly haunted by the guilt and possible regret. I would have tried to be happy with what I had including a valuable friendship.

  26. 324433044

    Macbeth did not do the right thing. A lifelong friendship would be much better than a king without best friends to rely on. I would of lived peacefully and happily with my friends because money, wealth, and titles don't bring you true happiness but friends do. Sure you can buy out everyone with the money and wealth and make everyone listen to you with your titles but after you leave the room you lose all of your friends instantly.

  27. 309-830-222

    Murder of any reason is unacceptable (even when committed by others) but being in charge of the murder of your friend because of ambition and jealousy is the foulest act upon earth. Macbeth had not enough reasons upon this earth to have called death on a friend. Life is a right and should not be taken away by another. Banquo had been Macbeth’s longest and most trustworthy friends. If anyone were Macbeth they would be glad that their friend may have had such blessings. Banquo does not care that he lives in the shadows of Macbeth because they had been friends and managed to survive the battle fields together. He deserved to have his heirs become king.

    I would choose a lifelong friendship rather than become king because let’s say if I were to become king I may not even like the position as much as when I had not had it. I would rather accept my position as a Thane and have my best friend alongside me for life and be joyous rather than enjoy materialistic wealth but be unhappy because my friend is no longer there to enjoy it with me. A friend is worth more than anything the world can offer because unlike kingship when you are in trouble or happiness they would stick by you no matter what. As soon as a kingdom runs into trouble than mutiny could occur or people can leave you and as human beings we crave comfort and the presence of others in our lives. Without friends there to support us we might as well be living zombies.

  28. 321331274
    If i had to choose between becoming queen or having a lifelong friendship, I would choose the friendship because if I kill my friend I would always be reminded of the deed. Being queen wouldn't mean as much to me if I had to sacrifice someone's life.

  29. 308544535

    I believe he did the wrong thing. Banquo was a better king than Macbeth would have been. Banquo had all the characteristics of a king, and to kill your friend who deserves to be king is just selfish. If i wasnt fit to be a king i wouldnt kill the king because he would truely do a better job than me for the country.
