Tuesday 15 May 2012

Post 2: Macbeth and the Witches

I just got out of the staff meeting. I will try to make posts in advance, so questions for the rest of the act should be up within a few days.

Thanks to the students who have responded to the first posting. I am still working out the bugs of this blog, but it seems to be working so far. Keep posting anonymously, and begin each with your student number.

Today in class we were reading Act I, scene ii and iii. Duncan bestowed on Macbeth a new title (Thane of Cawdor) for his heroic efforts to defend Scotland against internal and external foes. The witches, hideous creatures with beards, scraggly voices, and an unhealthy sexual appetite, greet Macbeth with his new title, as if they have a knowledge that he does not.

Should Macbeth trust these witches, and the prophesies they make to him? Why or why not? What would you do in a similar situation? Answer using complete sentences.


  1. 308498377
    I think that Macbeth should trust these witches because all they did was tell him that he had a new title, which is very easy to find out, worst comes to worst is that they lied which means he shouldn't trust them again. In a similar situation, I think that I would believe the witches because even though they are ugly and look evil, witches do usually see the future, so I would listen to them.

  2. 308629161

    I believe that Macbeth should trust these witches and the prophesies that they make. They knew he was Thane of Cawdor before he himself knew. The witches are supernatural beings and although they are hideous, they still possess powers beyond what us ordinary people have and seeing the future is one of these powers. If I were in a similar situation I would be fearful of these creatures, but since they look so mysterious and speak with such certainty I would be compelled to believe them.

  3. 308544667

    Macbeth should not trust the witches due to the fact that he doesn't know them nor has he ever seen him. Even though the prophecies were coming true, Macbeth shouldn't have made the comparison between what the witches said and him becoming Thane of Cawdor because it could have been a coincidence.It is similar to saying an object was "lucky" due to a coincidence. If I was in a similar situation where I was guaranteed success in my future, I would mostly likely continue living "normally" because I wouldn't want to tamper with faith or destiny.

  4. 334 650 470
    Hi! (:
    I think that Macbeth shouldn't trust the three witches. Even if they seem like they have some knowledge of Macbeth's future, if what they have predicted is destined to come true, then it will, so there is no need for Macbeth to come up with a plan for getting to what the witches have predicted. Also, Macbeth doesn't have any evidence that the witches are completely honest with him; he must consider that they might have just heard about him becoming the thane of Cawdor and are fooling with him by promising that he will become king. If I was in that position, I would try to keep what the witches said in the back of my mind so I would grab on to any opportunity that came along, but I wouldn't act on with their prophesy or plan anything. 

  5. 342139680
    Macbeth should not trust these witches. When people desire something so much and they know that it will become true, they can choose wrong way to achieve their goal, especially the prophesies is the wrong and they know that. I would not trust witches because if the witches prophesies are true, it will be achieved although I don't try wrong ways to achieve that goal.

  6. Macbeth shouldn’t trust the witches, although they have a supernatural sense and may know something he, an average human, may not, they are evil. One of the witch’s prophesies is true; that he is the Thane of Glamis. The other prophesies is that Macbeth will be the Thane of Cawdor and that his descendants will be kings: which we, the readers, are yet to find out. In my opinion, these witches are setting Macbeth up for his own destruction. They tell him something that is true, which is that he is the Thane of Glamis, but the other two prophesies remain indefinite. They are deceiving him by earning his trust in the little things and manipulating him when it comes to something of more value. It seems as though Macbeth would have never thought that he would be the Thane of Cawdor. When the witched tell him, he questions them since the actual Thane of Cawdor is alive, rich, and powerful. By saying this, the witches are provoking idea’s in Macbeth’s mind of murdering the Thane, something he would not have thought to do on his own. In a situation like this I would re-evaluate the witch’s predictions. If I was placed in this position, I would be precautions when believing in what the witches are saying because they are believed to be evil and I don’t know what their true intentions are.

  7. 308 544 519

    No, Macbeth shouldn't trust the witches and their prophesies they tell him because he doesn't know them in the first place, and no one would trust strangers at a first glance. They also look very untrustworthy, with their beards,scraggly voices and odd looking forms, which Macbeth himself couldn't tell if they were males or females. I wouldn't trust these witches at all with the fact that their appearance is odd as well as they don't appear to be "human", they seem more supernatural with their pale skin, and their weak and oddly shaped bodies.

  8. 325182152

    Macbeth should not trust these witches, because they are superhuman and very strange and whether or not they speak the truth cannot be determined.

    If I was in a similar situation, I would take their words into consideration and deep thought but I would still remain wary because of their unusual identities.

  9. 324433044 Macbeth should trust these withes because they are out of the ordinary/supernatural beings. If they are such amazing beings they wouldn't waste time telling lies. In a similar situation I would wait and not force the events foretold to come true. I would wait and see since they said it will happen then it must without me interfering, if the events don't come true then whoever gave this information will be looked down upon as a lier.

  10. 308-544-394

    He should not trust the witches because most of the time good things happen there's a price to pay. I would not believe people I just met, especially if they looked as weird as the three witches do.

  11. 308 498 237

    I think that Macbeth should not trust the three withches because as Banquo warned him devils often tell half truths. The witches also did not look normal so they looked suspicious.

  12. 342142809

    Macbeth should not trust these witches. The three witches are strangers to Macbeth. Macbeth did became the Thane of Glamis, which is one of their prophesies, but this made Macbeth a little bit ambitious and being ambitious is not a good thing sometimes, since it will cause a person to do something that should not be done or a crime to get what he or she ambitioned for. The witches don’t also look like they should be trusted. Banquo described them as hideous creatures that look like women but have beards and they don’t look like they are inhabitants of the earth. In a similar situation, I would ignore whatever prophesies they’re saying and not trust them. Trusting them is like trusting a dog to watch your food.

  13. 322 687 682
    I don't think that Macbeth should trust the witches because they don't seem to look as if they can be trusted. Who knows if they are actually telling the truth about him becoming king. When meeting 3 odd looking witches with beards on their faces you aren't keen to trust whatever they say. i think i would think about what the witches said but not make myself pursue the things they said to me. I don't think destinies are meant to be planned, i think they are choices that come along the way.

  14. I believe Macbeth should not trust these witches, and the prophesies they make to him. Witches can not tell you what your destiny is. The witches looks are not convincing or should be trusted. If i were put in a similar situation i would ignore it and walk away. Witches are just not convincing to me or should be trusted.


  15. 322549171

    If I were in a similar situation as Macbeth, I would not trust the witches because of their bizarre prophesies, as well as their grotesque appearances that make it easy for them to appear maniacal and untrustworthy. However, once the first prophesy became true, I think that Macbeth should trust the witches and the prophesies made to him because of their validity, and I would do the same.

  16. 324 122 548

    Although the three witches are strange, Macbeth has reasons to trust them. The witches tell Macbeth he will become the thane of Cawdor, and he finds out immediately afterwards he now has the title. Since witches are already supernatural, they are likely to be able to see the future, making Macbeth believe the other prophecies will come true as well. If I were in the situation, I would believe the witches but not do anything about it. I would continue living my life as I would before hearing my "destiny". I would not go out of my way, or kill anyone to make the predictions come true.

  17. 308527381

    He should not trust the witches; just because they're right about one thing, doesn't mean that they'll be right about another thing. If I was in a similar situation, I would ignore the person and the prophesies the person has said.

  18. 308559905

    Macbeth should not trust these three witches because they are strangers and, well, witches. Not very reliable. He would not know whether it was the truth or if it was a trap or deception. The prophecies are also vague, only mentioning that he would become powerful. They failed to mention how, when, why, and what the consequences would be.
    Were it me that had been faced with the same situation, I would wish it to be true yet would know that it could not be very likely. I would hope to go on with my life as it was before and try not to let the meeting influence my decisions from then on.

  19. 308499110

    Macbeth shouldn't necessarily trust them right away, he doesn't seem to know anything about them. When he was foretold the prophesies, he didnt quite understand if they were telling the truth or some made up tale. If I was placed in a similar situation I would defiantly question these strange witches to try to understand what they are saying and why.

  20. 308548023

    I think that Macbeth should not have trusted the witches and their promises. The witches seem to have an air of certain evil about them, which is probably hint enough that their words might not carry the best intentions. I would not trust the witches. I would not believe that the witches have any power over my life. If I were Macbeth, it would have been me who has rightfully earned the title of Thane of Cawdor and given it by Duncan - it had nothing to do with the witches. Ideally, I would ignore the witches; given their unusual appearance however, I might have been so inclined to run fast as I could.

  21. 342409976
    No I wouldn't trust these witches. Just because one thing they said was true does not mean I will trust scary old women about my futer

  22. 322 941 659

    Macbeth should trust these witches and the prophesies they make to him. He should trust them because although they are hidieous and strange, they have special powers and they are not human. They are supernatural powers so it is more likely they can tell the future, and the first prophesy they made actually came true. If I was in a similar situation I would believe them but I would try my best to avoid them because they are frightening.

  23. 308544642

    I don't think that Macbeth should trust those witches, sice the profocy/ prediction they made were accually the results of his honest work for the king not 'destiny'. If I was Macbeth I would continue to fight for the king and hope that I may be rewarded in the near future.


  24. 308 544 717
    Macbeth should be trusting of the witches, because though they are shrouded in mystery, they were able to correctly foresee the future (Thane of Cawdor). Also, those who saw the play saw that he DID indeed become King (for a short while). If I were Macbeth however, I would NOT trust the witches, because I would simply believe becoming Thane of Cawdor was coincidence, and I'm not willing to commit murder for the greatest riches.

  25. 308954510

    I think MacBeth should trust these witches. When he first encountered them, they knew who he was and predicted that he would become Thane of Cawdor. Because that came true, the witches obviously have the power to predict things like that, and MacBeth should take what they say seriously.

  26. 334-287-000

    My opinion is that Macbeth should listen to the witches, since they know the secrets of dark magic and most probably what is going to happen in future. In Macbeth's situation, I would listen to these witches, but I would be also aware of their evil deeds and tricks, if they fool me I would exterminate them or never have a contact to them ever again.

  27. 321331274
    I think that Macbeth shouldn't fully trust them, but still take into consideration what they're saying. If it was my choice, I would probably take their advice, but be cautious of them at the same time.

  28. 308-544-535

    I believe Macbeth should listen to the witches because they did predict that he would become the "Thane of Cawdor," which proves probably through dark magic they are able to predict the future.

  29. 324 871 1144

    Three mysterious supernatural beings, the witches, who apparently know everything, or do they? Indeed they do have the magic powers to foresee the future, so why should not Macbeth trust these witches? I think they should be trusted, they predicted that he shall have the title of "Thane of Cawdor", and it came true. The witches have the ability to see the future,so Macbeth should trust them, as they did tell the truth.


  30. 309-830-222

    Even though the witches in the story seem to make true prophesies, I believe that Macbeth shouldn't trust the witches because the way I intepret the witches as not being so kind to mortals. They seem to like to voluntarily mess with the lives of mortals but have no feelings to the cosequences of what will happen. For example, the first future prophecy was "All hail Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor", then they prophecied that he will be king. As a result of this he took matters in his own hand to make these prophecies come true quickly, resulting in his murdering of the King, and the betrayal of his friend.

    If I were in the same situation then I most definitely listen to what they had to say for they are the witches, but as for what happened after I may not acted as Macbeth had with murder. They only prophesied what MAY had happened, not what WOULD happen.

  31. 308536820

    In my opinion I think Macbeth should trust the witches because I believe that in the old days witches had something special and unique in them, that is why people wanted to hunt them down. if I was in that situation i would just keep that to mind because it may be true. if its not true then next time I wouldn't believe the witches.

  32. 307-692-623

    I think that Macbeth should not trust the witches because even though they might have the power to predict the future,it doesnt mean that they will always be 100% correct. Also, it seems suspicious because why would the witches want to help Macbeth in the first place, no good deed goes unpunished.

  33. 308 527 423

    Macbeth should not trust the three witches. Although one of their prophecies did turn into a reality, the next one may not. There is no reason Macbeth should listen to people he does not know. For all he knows, the three witches can possibly set him up for something dangerous. He is known as the Thane of Cawdor. Macbeth should follow his own rules and keep his word, not follow and believe something three witches told him is true.

  34. 335189536
    Macbeth should consider that whitches are not really trustful. So i think macbeth should take their advice however do not follow it seriously. It might be mush easier to decide. If it was my choice i will take the advices but now so serious.
