Monday 6 May 2013

No and Me: The Comments

Hello all,

I have published the personal reflections, and now you have a chance to comment on them. Once again, begin your comment with your student number only. You may comment directly to other students' comments by clicking the "Reply" button, I believe. You must comment on two different posts by Friday of this week. If you have any technical concerns, please bring them up in class and I will try to address them as soon as possible.


The Indomitable Mr. Allilomis


  1. 321625717 (part 1)
    Lou, she is a bright, caring and independent young lady. Lou and I have several similarities, we are both caring and bright young people but we also have our differences. For example we do opposite things during our free time and we are confident doing certain tasks.
    Lou and I are both very bright ladies. I am an 80 average student and I work hard to get high marks. When I receive a project, I do not procrastinate and I use my time wisely. I ask for help when needed and put 100% into all my work. Lou is a bright student as well because she has an IQ of 160 and she works hard to do well in school. For example, for her project in social and economic sciences class, she decides to make her topic about the homeless. She becomes friends with a homeless person, asks to interview her and meets up with her at the coffee shop every day. Although she knows it can be dangerous, she is still willing to take the risk. She works hard and tries to get as much detail as possible but also tries to build a strong friendship. When Lou works hard and is motivated to do well in school it makes me feel happy because it is hard for teenagers to be motivated to do well in school. Some students don’t take their education seriously and I find that it is a positive thing that Lou and I both do.
    Lou and I both live different lives. For example, on our spare time we do different things. On my spare time I like shopping, going out with friends and socializing with other people. I am a very outgoing person when I’m out on my free time. Lou is the opposite. She likes to spend her free time conducting scientific experiments, thinking of math equations in her mind and questioning how the world works. She likes to spend her free time alone before she met No. I think the stuff Lou does on her spare time is intelligent but I find boring and not fun. Of course extending your knowledge is very important but socializing is important as well. If you do not socialize and try to make friends with other people, you will live your life alone and that is not fun.

    1. 343-044-020


      Everyone has his or her own particular personalities, so everyone is unique, like Lou, you and me. It is not hard to find that the biggest difference between Lou and us are the intelligence quotient, and, of course, we cannot change this. The high IQ let Lou have to have a different and difficult life, for example, as you mentioned, she did not have many friends, she skipped two-year school time and she can see the visible dark part of the life. Also, her sort of thinking methods seemed really different from ours, such as observing passengers at the train station for whole day, doing experiments at weekend and never goes to friends’ parties. Her life seemed far from our life, but actually, we still have some similarities with her. She is a totally independent and calm person, and she is helpful as well. The emotions she had are almost the same as ours. She wanted to help the street people and let them have a better life because she could see their terrible life. Furthermore, she had a nervous relationship with her parents because the death of her little sister a few years ago. It is not the personalities any more, but the family relationship of her was different and rough. She, a 13-year-old girl, had to stand this kind of tense situation. It is not easy for her to endure, although she had the IQ of 160. To sum up, there are really a few differences and similarities between Lou and us, but everyone is unique and has there own opinions on everything.

  2. 321625717 (part 2)
    Confidence. Something Lou and I both have but we are both confident only with certain tasks. I am confident when it comes to public speaking. I find speaking in front of a small or big crowd easy and fun because I am a very outgoing person. Lou is the type of person who dreads public speaking. Lou is confident when it comes to talking to strangers. She talks to a stranger who is homeless with respect. She talks to the homeless girl sounding interested and gives out personal information such as her name and the reason why she is where they meet. I could never talk to a stranger on the street and tell them personal stuff. If someone friendly said hi, of course I would respond, it would be rude not too but if someone said hi, ask for my name and where I’m going or how old I am, I would not give that information away. I think Lou is a very confident person when it comes to strangers but I think she should not give out her personal information next time she speaks to a stranger because that is very dangerous.
    Lou and I are both caring. We both care about our family, friends and even strangers. I care about my parents; if they need my help I will help them and respect them. I care about my friends and support them 100% with anything and everything. I care about strangers on the streets that I see; for example, the elderly, pregnant and homeless. When I am on the TTC bus or train and see an older or pregnant person, I will offer my seat to help make their lives a little bit easier. If I see a homeless person panhandling or someone singing for money in return, I will spare some change if I have any. Lou is caring towards her parents, teachers and strangers as well. She respects her parents most of the time; respects her teachers by coming to class on time and doing all the work assigned. She cares about No, a homeless adolescent by keeping her company, giving her food and allowing the homeless the stay at her place. When Lou does these actions I feel as though she is doing the right thing. People with big hearts like Lou, are the type of people who help change the world into a better place.
    Lou and I are both good people with similarities and differences. We both have big hearts that will brighten up and make a difference in the world but we’ll also live our lives doing different things every day.

  3. 308946185

    In my opinion, the most significant episode or part in the book No and Me was the scene where Lou Bertignac and her parents went on their trip for four days an left Nowlyn “No” at home. Later to find out that in those four days that they were on their trip, No had abused their medicine cabinet and drunk their alcohol to get drunk and high. In doing so, Lou’s parents decided to kick out No because they assumed she was a burden and a lost cause. But if Lou’s parents didn’t kick out No, then Lou and No wouldn’t have found their way and the path that they were always supposed to take. This part in the story is the most important because this part is where No really shows her real side to Lou’s parents and it shows them that it was a mistake to take her in and to let her stay with them. This part of the story shows that No can’t be trusted or left alone or she will go back to her old, alcoholic and drug abusive ways. If the parents never decided to take that small vacation then maybe, No wouldn’t have don drugs and drunk. But most likely the temptation was within her so in other words she still would have done that but just behind their back. I think that this part of the story really showed what No was really like and how abusive she is and that she has no self control. If Lou’s parents never went to their vacation then maybe Lou and her parents wouldn’t have seen the real side of No and that taking her in wasn’t a mistake. But it was a mistake from the beginning even if Lou was friends with her. I reacted in a way that I really wasn’t surprised about what happened. Even if it didn’t say it yet, I interpreted and knew that No was going to pull something as terrible as what she did. Abuse their medical cabinet and drink their alcohol. The way I reacted wasn’t in a surprised way at all.

    1. 308959279: I agree that the most significant part of this novel "No and Me" is when Lou and her family goes on vacation and No had abused their medicine cabinet and drank their alcohol. This shows who No really is. This is a good reflection but you should make it more of a personal reflection by comparing what happened in the book to you.
