Monday 6 May 2013

No and Me: The Comments

Hello all,

I have published the personal reflections, and now you have a chance to comment on them. Once again, begin your comment with your student number only. You may comment directly to other students' comments by clicking the "Reply" button, I believe. You must comment on two different posts by Friday of this week. If you have any technical concerns, please bring them up in class and I will try to address them as soon as possible.


The Indomitable Mr. Allilomis

Thursday 2 May 2013

No and Me: The Personal Reflection

Good morning, all.

Some of you have already seen this blog at least once before, and some of you are coming for the first time. Please post your one page, personal reflection as a comment on this post. You will be able to comment directly to the posts after they have been published.

Remember, the due date for the personal reflection is Monday, May 6, at 3:15. I will publish the comments as soon as possible after school. Be sure to start your post with your student number only!


The Indomitable Mr. Allilomis

Monday 29 April 2013

2013: The First Post for "No and Me"

Good day, class.

Once again we dive into the crazy world of the Information Superhighway. As a start to this online activity, please write a short comment on your favourite (or least favourite) character from the novel "No and Me", and why you liked them (or did not like them at all). REMEMBER: Begin every post with your nine-digit Student ID number! Do not include your name! This will keep our posts secure yet sharable.

I moderate all comments before they are posted, so if they do not show up immediately it is because I still have to approve them. I will remind you that the deadline for your personal connection assignment is Monday, May 6, 2013, at 3:15. Otherwise, your post may turn into a pumpkin, or worse. The second component - the analysis of two other postings - will be due Friday, May 10, 2013.

Get those first responses as soon as possible!


The Indomitable Mr. Allilomis