Monday 29 April 2013

2013: The First Post for "No and Me"

Good day, class.

Once again we dive into the crazy world of the Information Superhighway. As a start to this online activity, please write a short comment on your favourite (or least favourite) character from the novel "No and Me", and why you liked them (or did not like them at all). REMEMBER: Begin every post with your nine-digit Student ID number! Do not include your name! This will keep our posts secure yet sharable.

I moderate all comments before they are posted, so if they do not show up immediately it is because I still have to approve them. I will remind you that the deadline for your personal connection assignment is Monday, May 6, 2013, at 3:15. Otherwise, your post may turn into a pumpkin, or worse. The second component - the analysis of two other postings - will be due Friday, May 10, 2013.

Get those first responses as soon as possible!


The Indomitable Mr. Allilomis